Vibrational Sound Therapy

Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) is a relaxation technique that relaxes the body through the sound and physical vibrations of rhythmic strikes on bronze Himalayan singing bowls placed on the body. Unlike other bronze bowls, these bowls are made with a dual purpose of sending out a sound and a vibration. The rhythm of ringing these bowls is also important in that it easily regulates mood, can induce altered states of consciousness, and can entrain the brain into a relaxed state, especially with repeated sessions.

Brainwave Entrainment

One of the desired effects of Vibrational Sound Therapy sessions (VST) is brain wave entrainment. Our brains produce their own unique brain waves, with our mind typically being in the beta brain rhythm. Consider the following brain wave states:

We can also be in a beta brain wave state when we feel agitated, tense, hurried, pressured, afraid, or stressed. The use of these vibrational bowls in a VST session, with constant, repetitive rhythmic stimulation, helps the brain relax into the alpha brain wave state. Sound received by the eardrums is converted to electrical signals to your brain for regulation of consciousness and interpretation. The combined effect through the nervous system and vibrations through the body allows the technique to induce a relaxed state much faster than an auditory experience alone.

VST Sessions

Vibrational Sound Theraphy, aka VST, is an in-person therapy session. You lay on a massage table fully clothed and bronze Himalayan bowls are activated on specific areas of your body. These bronze bowls are made specifically to bring a dual effect of sound vibrations heard through the ears and entraining your brain to relaxation and physical vibrations that relax your body. If you are interested in a session, please go to the Contact page and submit your request.

Example videos of a session will be coming soon.

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