
Meet Diane…

Goal oriented and driven, Diane has pursued health, music, and the kingdom of God throughout her adult life. Early in her career she flowed into the fields of planning and the IT world focused on database support and application design. Her health path started with a pursuit to overcome migraines. Diane’s desire to make music led her to play keyboard, harp, and other instruments on worship teams. The desire to learn about frequencies and overcoming obstacles led her to find the smooth flowing path to abundant life.

Recently she had an encounter with God that wrapped her life pursuits into helping others find their harmonious path through healthy practices, goals, and perspectives. Following His lead, she has become certified in Vibrational Sound Therapy and the harmonizing energy flows of Jin Shin Jyutsu. The music portion of her call is leading her to create soothing, meditative music and declarative songs. She is also in the process of developing some health applications for smart phones and websites.