Sound Baths

Sound baths and meditations using crystal bowls harp and other musical instruments and voices

A sound bath brings you on a mystical journey through sound as you relax to music and tones. The type of instruments available for a sound bath include:

Benefits of a Sound Bath

For a longer lasting impact, share your goals and challenges for a personalized sound bath recording with spoken affirmations that you can listen to repeatedly until they are programmed in your body, soul, and spirit.

Sound Bath Sessions

Sound baths sessions are currently offered in Colorado Springs and Woodland Park, Colorado. The most economical sessions are group sessions in a location large enough to support the musical setup and the relaxing comfort of those in attendance. Couple sound baths are also available in Colorado Springs.

Personalized sound bath recordings can be made to align your goals and overcome your hindrances to those goals. This allows you to listen to them over and over until the repetition of the sound journey meditations and affirmations have been integrated into your subconscious.