
Would you like to reduce stress and calm your emotions?

Is stuck energy manifesting as symptoms in your body?

Are you motivated to be in charge of your health and take action?

Would you like to know how to reframe your thoughts

and be the designer of your emotions?

Discover the journey into a healthier action plan and life style that provides you with the energy and resourcefulness to pursue your dreams!


Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST)

Enjoy a relaxing session as rhythmic sounds and vibrations ripple through your body from bronze Himalayan bowls. These vibrations bring your body and mind into agreement so you can relax, let go, and find rest.

Biofield Tuning

Release emotional trauma that resonates around your body and return that stuck energy to your energetic powerhouse using tuning forks that are your discerning and tuning friends.

Energy Balancing with Jin Shin Jyutsu

Experience the relaxing effect of a gentle touch that acts like jumper cables to balance energy flows within your body like a river. Stuck energy is released, and insufficient flow is increased, effecting your organs and the multitude of other energy pathways in your body.

Sound baths and meditations using crystal bowls harp and other musical instruments and voices

Sound Baths and Meditations

Engage in soothing music as the frequencies weave through your thoughts, emotions, and physical being. Personalized meditations are also available for reframing and reprogramming to bring you into greater health in spirit, soul, and body.

Health Coaching

It’s time to take charge of your health and prevent dis-ease. It starts with awareness of your current state through a variety of test measurements and an opportunity to look at the messages a drop of blood can reveal. From there, we work together to find your unique biological tuning.

Welcome to the possibilities of better health and being equipped with energy and focus to pursue your dreams! Soothing Frequencies LLC provides education and therapeutic services to sooth your mind, emotions and body from a chaotic or overly busy lifestyle, and other causes of imbalances.

How Frequencies Impact Your Health and Wellbeing

Service locations are in Colorado Springs and Teller County, Colorado, with some services available through an online Zoom meeting and conference locations.

Famous Quotes

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison

“If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.” Hippocrates

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